Monday 11 October 2010

Stephen Fry & Kinetic Typography

6 minutes of intelligent discourse and a beautifully clever piece of animation.  

Monday just got a whole lot better:

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Apple Platonic Solids

You gotta love this

A fantastic tutorial on cutting platonic solids from fruit - goes well with my current obsession! don't ya think?

Thursday 30 September 2010

One now, or Two in a Little While?

... this psychology experiment just ticks all the boxes when actually watchable ... (thanks to Jo)

I think my 'marshmallow' would be something to do with paper - a new notebook, a new hardback, a set of pencils ... 

So ... what's your 'marshmallow' ??

The one little temptation that you couldn't wait for, even on a promise of two, a little later?

Sunday 19 September 2010

Brighton Art Fair 2010

Warning: image heavy post!  

It was a great show - some familiar faces and some lovely new finds. 
Click on an artist's name to go direct to their website.

Please note that all images on this page are the copyright of the artists.

Budgies with Cage
These paintings are simply wonderful - buttery textures and colours that pop.  He is a dab hand at the old still life too.  Well worth a click over! He was a jolly good friendly & approachable chap too.  My favourite exhibitor (hope it's ok to say that).

These ceramics are so beguiling -  Myung Nam "tells stories which are universal" and these little beauties are part of the 'eye' series.  I can't really describe the emotional response I had, other than to say there's something very dark here to contrast with their aesthetic beauty. Go to her website for a rather better explanation and plenty more eye candy!

Combination Piece (Orange No2)’ 2009. 62x62cm
Found Marine plastic and text, on Card
Steve McPherson

I love Steve's work - my favourite pieces are from Found Objects - not only does he have an exquisite ability to place objects, but also writes the most amazing descriptions - please go to his website to see.

Dots and Full Stops, no.1, 2007
newsprint, pritt stick
 I loved loved loved these.  Alex creates from newspapers, meticulously cutting and sticking to create finished pieces that you could stare at for hours.  I dread to think what would happen if I were to attempt this!  My pritt stick would be covered in bits of paper and my canvas would be blank!

Hidden Pathways
(acrylic on canvas)

What you don't get from this little pic is the amazing texture and other-worldliness you get from her landscapes.  I could have stood there gazing for hours.

Her website has good sized images so you can get a better idea ...

Seaside Fun

Janet Brooke

Janet's screenprints and woodcuts are gorgeous. Not only does she 'get' Brighton so totally, but she also produces such technically brilliant pieces.  Scrummy.

Puts me in mind of the Fred Allen quote: "He writes so well he makes me feel like putting the quill back in the goose".

So those were my fave six - if you missed the Brighton show you've got a second chance 7th-10th October in London: more details here

Or check out the MADE blog here which shows all the preparations for the Brighton show.

Now I'm just waiting for the Design & Craft Fair in November, which I'll be all squeaky about here!

Friday 17 September 2010

The most powerful colours on the web ...

This is the perfect matching pair to this earlier interweb find:  icons of the web ...

I think this one is interesting particularly for the predominance of primary blues and reds - my absolute non-favourite colours ... I'm a green purple and orange kinda gal ....

Anyway, have a look [click to enlarge] and enjoy ... (found here)

Thursday 16 September 2010

Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon

When I was at school I had singing lessons ... one of the exercises was to sing "lemon" up and down the scale - (for clear articulation) I still sing it in my head whenever I think of lemons, and recently whenever I tended my lovely Crystal Lemon Cucumbers ... 

These are really old fashioned cucs ... bristly skin and big flat white seeds ... but oh so delicious - the faintest citrus tang combined with proper cucumber taste ... Definitely a repeat (arf arf) for next year ...

(They are, incidentally, 'kinder' to the digestion, like burpless varieties)

Oh yeah, did I mention the colour?  mmmmmm ... altogether now ...
"Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon"

Sunday 12 September 2010

Imperfect If Button Can Be Depressed

Yes, it's been an apple-filled weekend - and yes the button can still be depressed, but that's life, innit?

Saturday 4 September 2010

Open Market, Brighton

Fancy some spuds? Maybe some bedding plants?  Local eggs? Zips & ribbons? 

Nah - I'll take a nice fresh piece of timely graffiti, thanks

The artist was a really good chap and nothing like his signature.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

fresh almonds & figs

... just how lovely are these?

Monday 30 August 2010

better than a box of chocolates

Thank you, Wheat-free Dave, for bringing these from HK for me ... om nom nom ...